Selection Structure – The if and if/else Statement

Any simple program usually consists of lines of code that are executed one after the other unconditionally. Take the example of following simple c++ program… Read more of this post

What is Actually Involved in Programming???

In this post I’m going to introduce some technical terms. It’s unavoidable. The jargon will always get you in the end (if you choose to become a programmer, soon you’ll actually be talking in jargon).

However, I’ll explain each term as we come to it, and there’s a list of jargon in the following section (with explanations, of course). Read more of this post

What Programming Really is?

Given the general nature of that question, and the fact that programming is seen as a hideously complex subject, you’re probably expecting a highly convoluted and technical answer. But you’re not going to get one (sorry about that). Read more of this post